







Liv’s Recent Recipes

Looking for some cooking inspiration? Below are our newly developed recipes for any occasion – check out and try them!

Mango and Beef Rice Noodle Salad

Mango and Beef Rice Noodle Salad

Rice noodles are a very popular ingredient not only in Chinese cuisine but also in many other different Asian countries. You can stir-fry them, add them into a soup and you can also make a delicious rice noodle salad with

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Salt and Pepper Squid

Salt and Pepper Squid

This salt and pepper squid is one of my favourite Chinese Taiwanese snacks and appetizers. On a hot summer’s day I especially enjoy paring this with a nice iced cold beer. Preparing this dish is very simple.

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Cockle Meatballs Recipe

Cockle Meatballs Recipe

Today’s recipe is a Chinese cockle meatballs recipe I learnt whilst I lived in Shanghai but before that a little update about things. I really expected when I quit my job working as a chef my life would become quieter and

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