About Me

Hello, my name is Liv and welcome to my website.
Hang on? You have an English name, do you also have another name?? Well, my real name is Tsung-Yun Wan, or as we format it in Taiwan, Wan Tsung-Yun but unfortunately no one in the UK can pronounce my name correctly so just like a lot of Eastern people I gave myself an English name.
So what is this website about then? This site is an ever growing collection of favourite recipes that I have eaten throughout the years. For the first 25 years of my life I lived in Taiwan so I was always surrounded by the most gorgeous Chinese/Taiwanese/Japanese/Korean etc foods. Taiwanese food itself is a kind of amalgamation of different cultures foods into one. Taiwan over the years has been occupied by the Japanese, Chinese and Portugese so naturally this has influenced our food. My husband always says our food is like really rich tasting Chinese food.
I love all kinds of food so while this website is mainly focused on Eastern food, there are a number of recipes from other parts of the world.
So thanks for dropping by and if you’d like to get in touch I’d love to hear from you.
The Recipes
The recipes throughout this website are recipes that I have learnt from my grandparents, through my working experiences but also through research and experimentation. Everything on this website has been cooked by myself and sampled by both my husband and I. Some recipes contain nuts so be careful to read through the recipes (I don’t want you to have an allergic reaction from my recipes). Another thing which I hope you enjoy about the recipes on this website are the stories behind them. With Chinese and to a large extent Taiwanese cooking, many recipes have an origin and story behind them.
All of the photography on this website has been taken by either myself or my husband. I’m definitely an amateur photographer but my husband is a professional photographer (his website can be found here: http://www.chrisradleyphotography.com). For final photos everything has been shot with a Canon 1-series camera with minimal post processing but I capture many of the preparation photos with my Canon G11. For final photos we try to shoot everything with natural light bounced back in but sometimes use some fill flash.
Copyright Notice
Everything on this website, including recipes, photos and content are under the copyright of Tsung-Yun Wan and Chris Radley of Chris Radley Photography. Content can be used but only with prior consent from myself. If you have any questions please use the contact form.
Latest Recipes
Looking for some cooking inspiration? Below are our newly developed recipes for any occasion – check out and try them!
The very first time I tried Guoba was with my grandfather. We went to a Chinese restaurant in Taipei for Sunday lunch....
Caramelised Pineapple Coconut Rice Pudding
Caramelised Pineapple Coconut Rice Pudding. This is the first time I’ve made this caramelised pineapple with coconut...
How To Make a Basic Japanese Ramen Noodle Soup
Ramen is one of my family’s favourite Japanese dishes. In a city like Edinburgh where it’s almost always wet and/or...