Steamed Egg with Seafood Sauce
Steamed Egg with Seafood Sauce

In Edinburgh I believe August must be every Edinburgh Chef’s worst nightmare. Edinburgh is an extremely busy city throughout the year but August brings the Fringe and Military tattoo festivals, which bring millions of tourists here every year. At the top of the Royal Mile, where both of the festivals take place is the entrance to the Witchery, the restaurant I work for. So, we are fully booked every night and there are always a million jobs that need to be done. (If you want to come to the Witchery, please make a reservation before you come to have meal, I beg you.)
After 3 days of really hard work in the kitchen, I just don’t have the motivation to cook a big meal so I I’ve recently been eating smaller and perhaps simpler dishes. I suddenly think about a dish that my mother usually cooked for my father and I after she came home from work. This dish is called Steamed eggs with Seafood . This seafood dish is really quick to cook and also really beautiful to look at. The most important thing is you can cook this dish within 30 minutes. Oh my!! It’s a great blessing for working mother and wife.
By the way, Do you still remember my last blog about our ceramic work?? Here is the final result photo of our ceramic works. We had great fun there and hope to go back to Doodle again soon. Personally made ceramic crafts could be a great souvenir to bring home if you visit Edinburgh.
Credits: Preparation photos were taken by myself but final photos were taken by Chris at Chris Radley Photography

Steamed Egg with Seafood Sauce
- 4 eggs
- 6 prawns
- 5 cooked mussels you can use any seafood you like including scallops or squids
- 2 dried shiitake mushroms
- 1/2 spring onion chop finely for garnish
Marinade for prawns
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 pinch white pepper
- 1/2 tsp potato starch
- 1/4 tsp rice wine
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp bonito powder (optional)
- 1.5 cups water
- 1/2 tsp oyster sauce
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 tsp potato starch
- 1/4 tsp sesame oil
- 1/2 tsp soy sauce
Soak dried shitake mushroom in the warm water for 5~10 minutes until it has softened and slice it.
Wash prawns and dry. Mix with marinade for 5~10 minutes.
Heat the 1 ½ cup water, salt, bonito powder in a pot until it’s hot but not boiling. Pour it into the beaten eggs and stir constantly when you’re pouring the seasoning into the eggs. Sieve the egg mixture into a bowl or deep plate and put half of seafood into the egg mixture. Cover the bowl with cling film and steam it for around 15 minutes to be done.
Heat 1 teaspoon oil and stir fry the shitake mushroom, rest of the seafood and add oyster sauce, 1/2 cup water mixed with ¼ teaspoon potato starch, sesame oil, soy sauce. Bring it to boil and pour over steamed egg.