Japanese chicken meatball and udon noodle soup
Japanese chicken meatball and udon noodle soup
Recently my morning sickness is starting to pass and I’ve started cooking again. It feels really nice to cook again and it feels equally nice to start sharing new recipes with you again.
I made this Japanese chicken meatball and udon noodle soup recipe today and it’s so delicious. Well, my body and my baby really like it anyway. I’ve found one of my biggest challenges of early pregnancy is to find food I like. I discovered to find the right food during early pregnancy is almost like mission impossible. I’ve never been picky with my food. There are literally just a handful of foods I really don’t like but most of my favourite foods I now can’t stand.
I’ve also found pregnancy makes me feel really bloated, so no heavy meals at all or I will fill bloated and ill afterwards.
I’ve also always really liked Japanese food but through my first trimester Japanese food is the one thing I can regularly eat and really enjoy. I guess this is because Japanese food is really light to eat, extremely fresh and Japanese food tends to be a little bit sweet. Oh, and I love icecream now. I’ve become obsessed with Cornetto’s!
So even though I know how to make quite a few different kinds of sushi I’ve now started to collect Japanese recipes online and to buy recipe books. I’m definitely not an expert with Japanese food but I do know a few recipes and I’m also one of the biggest fans ever of Japanese. Chris is loving this btw as he absolutely loves Japanese food. Here is the first Japanese recipe I will share with you.
I’ve also attached the baby scan I had last week. We discovered our baby is 11 weeks and 4 days old and measures 4.8cm long. It was incredible having the baby scan. Both Chris and I were nearly in tears watching our baby jump in my womb and watching it shake it’s arms and legs as well as seeing it’s heart beat. To say we’re happy and excited is an understatement.
So anyway, hope you like this pregnancy friendly Japanese chicken meatball and udon noodle soup recipe.

Japanese Chicken Meatball and Udon Noodle Soup
Ingredients for chicken meatballs
- 2 chicken breasts
- 2 shiitake mushrooms
- 1/2 spring onion
- 1 tsp finely chopped ginger
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- Salt and pepper to taste
Ingredients for udon noodle soup
- 3 packs udon noodles
- 1 bunch mange tout
- 1 bunch baby corn
- 1 pack lily mushrooms
- 1 tbsp miso
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1/2 spring onion
- water
Cut the chicken breast into small dices. Roughly chop both the spring onions and shitake mushrooms and put the chicken breast, spring onions and mushrooms into a food processor. Blend everything together until you’re left with a fine mixture.
Add eggs, soy sauce, salt, pepper powder and ginger into the processor along with everything from step 1. Blend again for between 1 and 2 minutes.
Boil some water in a pan. Take 2 tablespoons and roll some of the mixture between the spoons to make the meatball shape. Once you have a meatball place the meatball into the boiling water to cook.
When the meatball has risen to the top of the water the meatball is cooked. Place the meatballs aside for now.
After all of the meatballs are cooked use the same water you used to cook the meatball for stock to cook the noodles with. Before placing the noodles into the soup make sure first of all you have enough water. If necessary you can add some more. Also before placing the noodles in the water add spring onions, miso, soy sauce and salt to season the soup.
Make sure the miso has completely dissolved in the soup, there can’t be any lumps at all. Once the soup is boiling place the udon noodle in the boiling soup and allow to cook for 2-3 minutes.
Once the noodle has cooked then add all of the vegetables and the meatballs into the soup and allow a minute or two for the vegetables to cook. It’s now ready to serve.