Stir Fry Lamb with BBQ Sauce
Stir Fry Lamb with BBQ Sauce

Edinburgh has been snowing for five days now. The snow has affected most public transport and people are really struggling to drive into Edinburgh from outside. I feel really thankful that I live fairly close to work as the roads between my workplace and home haven’t been affected too much, but some of my poor colleagues have had to walk a couple hours or more to get home. I feel terribly sorry for them.

Even though the snow has caused a lot of inconvenience in my life I’m still really excited about snow. In Taiwan, snow only happens on the top of mountains and not that often. But funnily, my colleagues like to remind me not to touch yellow snow as they know as soon as I see snow I’ll go out and play in it. As a note the temperature in Edinburgh as I’m writing this blog post is -6C but I talked to my parents earlier today and it was 24C. I’m jealous!

Another exciting thing has come along with the snow. Just today I received an invitation from Ricefield Arts and Cultural Centre in Glasgow to do a few speeches as part of the Chinese New Year Festival in Glasgow. I’m really excited but also nervous about this.The event runs for a month from February 2011 but I must start thinking about topics for my speech. Please leave me a comment if you want to know any food related things about Chinese New Year or if you have any questions about what we eat and why we eat it. This could really help me with the talks.In my last post I talked about day light issues so I’ve decided to start making some stir-fry and soup type dishes. Today I have prepared and cooked stir-fry lamb with Chinese bbq sauce. This tasty, healthy and simple stir-fry dish can be prepared and cooked in around 15 minutes. I used “water spinach” as the vegetable with this dish but you can also use cabbage, brocolli or any other kind of green vegetables to replace water spinch if it’s difficult for you to go to a Chinese supermarket. The amount of chilli you need in this recipe is entirely a personal choice. If you want it spicy add a lot but if you like your dishes less spicy adjust accordingly.
Credits: Snow photos were taken by myself and all other photos were taken by:

A lot of the dishes Chris and I eat at home have chilli in them both because of flavour but also because they help to warm us up.

Stir Fry Lamb with BBQ Sauce
- 250 g lamb sliced thin (you can find it in Chinese supermarkets, usually sold for hot pots)
- 250 g water spinach cut into 3cm lengthways
- 1 whole chili cut into thin slices
- 3 cloves garlic chop finely
- 2 tbsp light soy sauce
- 1/4 tsp dark soy sauce
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp rice wine
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp potato starch or corn flour
- 1 tbsp Chinese bbq sauce
1. Marinade lamb with soy sauce, sugar and potato starch.
2. Wash the water spinach and drain away the water. Cut it into 3 cm long slices.
3. Heat a wok with 1 tablespoon of oil and stir fry the lamb first and add the garlic and chilli. Stir fry it for 30 seconds and add the BBQ sauce. Stir-fry it for a couple minutes.
4. Add water spinach and use salt to season the whole dish. Stir-fry it until the water spinach is cooked. Stir in some potato starch water (just ¼ teaspoon potato starch or corn flour mix with 2 tablespoon water) and cook for another 30 second and it’s ready to serve.