Eggs Royale Recipe
by Liv
May 30, 2012

Eggs Royale Recipe

Recently I published a recipe for Salmon Gravlax and promised I would follow this up with a recipe for Eggs Royale, so here it it. Normally for this dish one would use smoked salmon but I couldn’t resist using the salmon gravlax instead to give this classic dish a different taste.

I’ve also been really craving Hollandaise sauce for a really long time but with my pregnancy I couldn’t touch it. Now I finally have a healthy, happy and cute baby it’s time for me to have some of those forbidden foods for pregnant ladies, such as Hollandaise sauce, home made caesar salad dressing, rare steaks, swordfish, tuna, this kind of ocean fish etc etc. So here is my version of Hollandaise sauce and Eggs Royale.

For this blog post I also drew a step-by-step tutorial image for the hollandaise sauce. I’ve been thinking about illustrating some of my recipes for a long time and while the drawing does take up quite a lot of time, I’ve finally started it. It was fun to draw and I’m personally happy with the way everything has turned out. My illustrations could do with some refinement but this is something I will do more of in the future.

Also some updates about Amelia. Amelia is now 11 weeks and 5 days old. Just like everyone says, babies grow up so quick and when I look at her now and photos of her when she was just born, she looks completely different. Amelia is now also communicating with us a lot more. She will talk back (in baby talk of course) if we talk to her, she smiles all the time and she’s now laughing a lot. Whenever she talks to us we will talk back to her in the same language she uses and she absolutely loves it. Chris is also the master of belly raspberries which she absolutely loves.

There’s nothing happier in life than seeing your own baby happy.

So below the photo of the Eggs Royale and procedure image below, there are some new photos of Amelia. Being a parent is an extremely tiring job but as you can see she now has a really cute smile so every time I/we feel tired, frustrated, one little smile and everything is perfectly happy again. We’ve also had some really amazing weather here in Scotland recently (at least by Scottish standards) so we’ve been travelling around a little bit. In my next blog post I’ll share some of these photos.

eggs royale


Eggs Royale Recipe

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 1 people


Ingredients for Hollandaise Sauce

  • 1/2 shallot chop finely
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 5 peppercorns
  • 200 g butter

Ingredients for Eggs Royale

  • 2 duck eggs
  • 2 slices salmon gravlax a few slices
  • 2 English muffins
  • 1 tbsp hollandaise sauce


  1. Toast the English muffins and poach 2 duck eggs
  2. Put a few slices of Salmon Gravlax on top of the English muffin and place a poached duck egg on top of it
  3. Place one tablespoon of Hollandaise sauce on top of the poached egg. This dish is now ready to serve.


eggs royale procedure illustration

By Liv

Illustrator by day, home chef at night. I worked as a professional chef for many years but now I draw for a living. I now cook just for the love of cooking. The recipes on this website are all influenced by things I have eaten in different locations around the world.

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  1. CJ at Food Stories

    Thx for connecting with me on foodbuzz. I just subscribed to your blog feed and can’t wait to see what your next post will be!

  2. kate

    Hi, I can poach eggs to the right consistency and generally the right shape, but never have i managed such spherical poached eggs – what’s your secret??

    • admin

      Hi Kate,
      I take a small bowl and lay a sheet of cling film on top. I then place a raw egg within the cling film and twist the cling film until the raw egg has a round shape. I then place it gently in the boiling water and it should come out round.

      I hope this makes sense but I’ll probably illustrate how I do this sometime soon.



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