chinse style deep fried chicken wings recipe
Chinese Style Deep Fried Chicken Wings
by Liv
June 17, 2011

Chinese Style Deep Fried Chicken Wings

These Chinese style deep fried chicken wings use a special ingredient called “fermented bean curd” to enhanced it’s flavour. Fermented bean curd is also known as “tofu cheese”. I know a lot of Western people are scared about tofu so tofu cheese probably sounds horrendous but for a lot of Eastern people it’s like a delight from heaven.

We use it in a lot of different dishes, such as stir fry vegetables. For me this is just like cheese and you will either love it or hate I. If you’re a bit more adventurous with your food I definitely recommend you give this dish a try.

Different Chinese speaking countries have their own style and flavour of tofu cheese. For example, Sichuan tofu cheese is more spicy, Beijing tofu cheese has a red colour, Shaoxing tofu cheese has a wine flavour and so forth. Different kinds of tofu cheese add different qualities to different dishes.

The dish I made for this post, Chinese Style Deep Fried Chicken Wings is a really easy to cook dish. It’s really tasty and all of the ingredients and all of the ingredients can be bought from either your local regular supermarket and virtually all Chinese supermarkets. I used 2 pieces of spicy tofu cheese to enhance the flavour of the marination. you can adjust the usage of tofu cheese to suit your taste as tofu cheese has a very strong flavour. If you use tofu cheese I suggest you use less salt than you would normally when you marinade the chicken wings.

chinese style deep fried chicken wings
fermented beancurd


Chinese Style Deep Fried Chicken Wings

Course Main Dish
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Servings 4 people



  • 15 chicken wings

Ingredients for Marinade

  • 1/2 cup light soy sauce
  • 2 chunks tofu cheese
  • 1/2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp rice wine
  • 1 spring onion chop finely
  • 2 cloves garlic chop finely
  • 2 pieces ginger chop finely
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 pinch pepper powder


  1. Mix all the marination ingredients in a big bowl evenly  and add the chicken wings. Use your hand to gently massage the chicken wings with the marination to ensure the marinade covers the chicken wings evenly. If you have any excess marination on the chicken be sure to gently brush this off with your hand.
  2. Marinade the chicken wings for 1 hour at least.
  3. Heat up the oil to around 180 degrees. Deep fry the chicken wings until they have turned a light golden brown colour.


By Liv

Illustrator by day, home chef at night. I worked as a professional chef for many years but now I draw for a living. I now cook just for the love of cooking. The recipes on this website are all influenced by things I have eaten in different locations around the world.

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1 Comment

  1. Nicole

    Wow your dish looks awesome I wish reach through my computer screen and have a piece.
    Thank you for sharing your talents I will be checking your website again.



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