green papaya with pork rib soup
Big Breasts Food – Green Papaya with Pork Rib Soup
by Liv
May 30, 2011

Big Breasts Food – Green Papaya with Pork Rib Soup

May 30, 2011 | Chinese Food, Recipes | 21 comments

So recently I haven’t updated my blog and for a really good reason. I broke a finger and more specifically my ring finger. Recently at work we’ve been really busy at work and a few people have called in sick so we’ve been super busy and I was at work one day in a rush and I banged my ring finger on a fridge door. My finger was bleeding a bit but really swelled up so I was worried I damaged the tendons in my finger.

Chris especially but also myself are the kind of people where if it hurts on the day we kind of leave injuries but if it’s still hurting two weeks later we seek medical advice. So the one weekend Chris hired a car and drove me to hospital where they x-rayed it and found I broke my finger. I got seen to fairly quickly but as usual the NHS didn’t want to do anything apart from give me a tiny piece of tape to tape my fingers together for a day or two.

Two weeks later we went back to hospital where we had a really long wait (this is very normal for the NHS) and I was told my the doctor I would have to live with a “wonky” finger (the tip of my ring finger isn’t straight). The doctor then said “you will never be a hand model” and builders have loads of wonky fingers. Hello! I’m a woman! Not a builder! Thanks!

They also didn’t give me any painkillers. In Taiwan you get sympathetic treatment all the time and the doctor will give you painkillers if you need them. Essentially our health care system is more humane. Doctors in Taiwan also aren’t sarcastic. They treat you effectively and compassionately.

broken chef finger
broken chef finger

Anyway, on with a recipe…

Green Papaya with Pork Rib Soup

A long time ago Taiwanese people were crazy about this soup. In Taiwan we believe green papaya will help young women grow larger breasts so as you can imagine loads of young girls ate green papaya thinking it will grow them big breasts so they will have a more beautiful curved body. Boys as you can imagine encouraged girls to eat green papaya so they would have bigger breasts to admire lol.

I tried eating this myself to see if I can enhance my boobs but I think I’ve grown too old for this to work, shame! But no matter if this grow big breasts or not soup is very important for one’s daily diet as it helps our bodies to hydrate and clean it.

green papaya with pork rib soup
green papaya


Green Papaya with Pork Rib Soup

Course Main Dish
Prep Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours
Servings 4 people


  • 1 small green papaya available in Chinese supermarkets
  • 400 g pork ribs diced
  • 2 small ginger
  • 1 small carrot for garnish
  • water


  1. Boil a pot of water and blanch the pork ribs. This will clean the ribs and remove any dirt from the bones. You’ll see the excess dirt, for example blood, float on top of the water. Once you see this wash the ribs under cold water.
  2. Put the ribs back into the pot along with the ginger and around 2 litres of cold water and boil it. Once it reaches the boil reduce heat and simmer for 1.5 hours.
  3. Peel and remove the seeds from the green papaya. Dice the papaya and for the carrots you can use a ring cutter to cut it into a flower shape (if you wish to do so).
  4. Put the papaya into the pot and cook with the ribs until the papaya has softened. Season the soup with salt and white pepper powder. Once the papaya is soft this dish is ready to serve.


By Liv

Illustrator by day, home chef at night. I worked as a professional chef for many years but now I draw for a living. I now cook just for the love of cooking. The recipes on this website are all influenced by things I have eaten in different locations around the world.

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  1. Jessica

    Vietnamese people also eat this dish! I have never heard that it would make my breasts grow, but perhaps it is true. As a child, this was my sister’s favorite soup and she ate it all the time! No wonder her breasts are large…=P

    • admin

      Hi Jessica,
      So I guess green papaya really can make your breasts grow but probably have to eat very often from young age. 🙁 Eh~I’m too old for that. Shame! lol

  2. Laura @ Family Spice

    I think I’m too old for this soup, too! LOL! Sorry to hear about your wonky hand. But I suppose now you have a funny story to tell! : )

  3. Chef Dennis

    I am so sorry to see what they did to your hand, I see we have the same burns too, it kind of goes with the territory!
    Your soup looks delicious, and you are perfect the way you are, no enhancement needed!

    hope your hand is at least feeling better!

  4. JC

    I was told to boil this soup for my sister as it stimulates production of milk for breast-feeding mom. Thanks for the recipe!

    • Everluna

      I stumbled upon this recipe while browsing for super food for milk production. I am still breastfeeding my baby and I am sure gonna try this recipe!

      • Josseline

        Did this work for your milk production ?

        • admin

          Hi Josseline,

          I really like the question you ask! I can’t guarantee they definitely works for milk production but in Taiwan we cook this soup for ladies who just gave birth to “help” their milk flow!

          So I think you can give it a go and please let me know if this soup works for you! 🙂

        • koolmom

          I have for each of my kids, I had to stop drinking it, it was TOO much milk!

          • Liv

            wow…that’s amazing! I’m jealous. I didn’t had much luck with the breast milk but I’m really happy for you.

  5. sotong

    how old is old?im 18.can i try

  6. Angie

    Is 21 yes of age “too old” for this to work?

  7. Rachel

    This soup works, like it WORKS. My mother made me drink this when I was 6-10 years old and I’m 16, with a 34D. I’m also really short, 4’11. My mother told me that I wouldn’t regret it but I do, I seriously do, I dislike my breasts so much. Thanks so much mom. -_- Sorry I had to vent lol

    • admin

      Hi Rachel,
      What can I say except LOL. I’m totally jealous that you have an awesome mom and also jealous of your big breasts.


    Hi ,

    Is this soup only meant for females ….???? :p

    Can men also drink this for health benefits…???? 🙂

    Thank you.

    • admin

      Hi Constance,

      Well I can’t really tell you if this soup is great remedy because I have never had any medical training. But I suppose drink lots soup, liquid and eat lots vegetable will do a lots good for you. 🙂

  9. Jenny Liew

    My friend told me to boil it with the skin n seeds together. Is it harmfull to health ? Please inform me n other’s too ! Thank you !

  10. Jenny Liew

    Green papaya boil soup with skin n seeds together. Is it okay to to our health ?

    • Liv

      Hi Jenny,

      I can’t really say if it’s okay with our health as I’m not doctor or nurse…etc. I just think if you cook the soup with papaya seed and skin probably won’t be very tasty.

  11. Stephanie

    Hello! Love this recipe, will have to try it out. I heard green papaya help with lactation. New mom here.
    Hope your hand has long recovered (as I saw comments were from 2011!)

    • Liv

      Awww…Thank you so much.
      My hand is recovered but I have a permanent wonky finger now. 🙁
      It’s very interesting you talk about lactation because when I gave birth to my daughter this is one of the recipes to help me produce breastmilk. 🙂 I hope this recipe is working for you.



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